Partner View: Marimekko
Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko, CEO, Marimekko: Timeless design brings joy from one generation to another
Could you describe Marimekko’s sustainability strategy?
Marimekko’s design philosophy and operations have from the very beginning been based on sustainable thinking, and we want to be a pioneer in developing more and more sustainable products and policies, and by our own example lead the entire industry towards a more sustainable future. Corporate responsibility is today a must for a company to be sustainable, but us at Marimekko also see it as something that opens new, value-adding doors to our business, as we serve our growing global target audience. We believe that timeless, sustainable products of the future are made in harmony with the environment, according to circular economy principles and with complete transparency, starting with raw materials.
Our long-term vision is for our operations not to leave a footprint on the environment. Achieving this requires innovation in technology, materials, and business models, and we are committed to continuously advance them together with our partners. Our sustainability strategy, that entails both our own operations and our entire value chain, guides us on our path towards our long-term vision that is built around three main principles: “Timeless design brings joy from one generation to another”, “Products of the future have no footprint”, and “Towards positive change with justice and equality”.

How do you see Spinnova as part of Marimekko’s strategy?
We are very happy about our collaboration with Spinnova since 2017 on developing and commercializing new, wood-based textiles. Increasing the proportion of more sustainable materials in Marimekko products is one of the main goals of our sustainability strategy. The SPINNOVA® fibre is an extremely promising new material that enables minimizing the environmental footprint of the entire product lifecycle made of it, without compromising comfort of use.
How do you see our near future together?
We are excited to work towards bringing the first products made with the SPINNOVA® fibre into commercial lines. Achieving our ambitious long-term sustainability goals requires close collaboration with different partners and network, and new innovations in the industry. Spinnova has been an important partner on our sustainability journey for years.